------------------------ Moodle Trademark License ------------------------ The name Moodle™ is a registered trademark of the Moodle Trust. A key part of the business model that allows us to produce and distribute Moodle as completely Free open source software is that we restrict the commercial use of the Moodle trademark to those who have contracted to support Moodle development (Moodle Partners). If you are intending to use the name (and/or logo) to advertise generic Moodle™ services (eg Moodle Hosting, Moodle Support, Moodle Certification, Moodle Training, Moodle Consulting, Moodle Customisation, Moodle Courseware Development, Moodle Theme design, Moodle Integrations, Moodle Installations, etc) or as the name of a software package, then you must seek direct permission in writing from the Moodle Trust via the moodle.com helpdesk, in accordance with normal trademark restrictions. There are no restrictions on how you use the name in other contexts (for example, if you use Moodle just to provide courses then you can use the name freely to refer to it.) If you aren't sure of a particular case, please ask us via http://moodle.com/helpdesk: we'll be happy to either provide you with official permission in writing or help you fix your wording. Martin Dougiamas Executive Director Moodle Trust http://moodle.com